Skyrim console commands gold

Top 50 Best Skyrim Console Commands gold to Make Game More Exciting

50 Skyrim console commands goldSkyrim is a very popular game for PC in which a player has to fight for their missions. This game comes with different levels of the mission.

Due to being limited features, sometimes the game becomes very boring. We can increase the capability of the game by adding features like mods in it.

To improve the capability and features, console commands will help to make gaming very exciting. There are many Skyrim console commands gold to make gaming more exciting.

List of 50 Skyrim console commands gold

Now, we will discuss 50 best Skyrim console commands gold to make the game more exciting. Let’s begin

#1. Resurrect

This command Skyrim console commands gold will tell you about the NPC (Non-player character) or dead character is resurrected or not. The command (Resurrect <#>) will allow you to press 1 to get dead character life with or without items.

#2. Unlock

This command will unlock any chest game and doors in no time. (unlock) the command is used to open or unlock the doors in the game.

#3. Get current stage

The command Skyrim console commands gold used for this console is (GetStage <QuestID>). By typing this command you will be allowed to use the quest which active and can get status of the game.

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#4. Kill target mod

This mod is used to kill your target during the game. You have to type ‘kill’ on the console.

#5. Gender change

This command will allow you to change the gender of your game characters which you are going to target.

#6. Adding gold to inventory

By typing (player.additem 00000f 1000) to your target, you will be able to add 1000 gold units at a time.

#7. TIM

TIM stands for Toggle Immortal Mode, this mode provides a lifeline to your characters. Your characters will get hurt but will never die.

#8. NPC Teleport

In this command, NPC player can be ported to anywhere by typing (moveto player) to your location.

#9. Quit

By typing (qqq) in your command box, the game will automatically quit.

#10. Emptying all inventory

The command like (removeallitems) entering in the console, you will get rid of all items during your target.

#11. NPC’s can be killed

You can kill all the local NPC’s by typing (killall) command.

#12. Skill points

For seeking points in the game for skill power (AdvSkill <AV> <#>) can be entered into the command

#13. Toggle God Mode

(tgm) command will help you in boosting your character by providing them health and stamina.

#14. Dragon souls

Number of dragon souls can be used in this game by using (player.forceav dragonsouls #) command.

#15. Player level set

Player level can be set by using (player.setlevel <#>) in the command

#16. The spell can be added 

The mods like (player.addspell <variable>) can use to add spells to your game.

#17. List inventory

You can list all the items related to your inventory by typing (player.showinventory) command.

#18. Spell removed

To remove the spell from the game we can use (Player.removespell <variable>) command.

#19. Items dropped

This game will drop unwanted items on the ground by entering (player. Drop<ItemID> <#>) as a console

#20. Player spellbook

(psb) can be used to unlock all the spells and shouts from the game.

#21. Level up

Characters of the game can be levelled up by using (player.advlevel) command.

#22. Weather can also be set

The command like (sw<WeatherID>) can be used to change the weather game.

#23. Controls can be enabled in cinematic

In this command (enableplayercontrols), it will take you to control all the characters in cinematic scenes.

#24. Race changes

In case if you don’t like the race of game, it can be changed by typing (SetPlayerRace<RaceID>).

#25. Skill points increased

If you are specified in special skill, you can increase your skill by adding (IncPCS <AVskill>) as a console

#26. Quests completed

Quests can be completed by typing (Complete Quest <QuestID>) in console command box.

#27. Perks added

Perks can be added to the character by adding (player.addperk <PerkID>) command.

#28. Perks removed 

In case if perks are not according to your taste, you can remove them by entering (player.removeperk <PerkID>) in the command

#29. Completes all quests

By entering (caqs) in console command, you can complete each step of quests.

#30. The quest completes 

This Skyrim console command (Complete Quest <QuestID>) will complete the only single quest.

#31. Customized menu can be opened 

(showracemenu) command will customize this menu that means you can change the abilities of characters by using his

#32. Adding shout 

If you want the characters to shout to all, (Addshout <ShoutID>) player skill list can be enhanced.

#33. The player relationship can be set

This command will determine the relationship between you and NPC character by entering (player.setrelationshiprank<RefID><#>).

#34. Shouts unlocked

You will be allowed to unlock the shout ability of characters with the help of command (player.unlockword <shoutID>).

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#35. Items can be equipped

Any item related to inventory can be equipped with the use of Skyrim console command like (equipitem <itemID> <#> <left/right>).

#36. Spells equip

By entering (Equipspell <SpellID><left/right>) in Skyrim console commands gold, you will be forced to equip any spell.

#37. NPC’s mortal or immortal

Characters can be made mortal by entering 0 and immortal by using 1 by using (setessential <BaseID><#>) Skyrim console commands gold.

#38. Items can be unequipped

Target points can be unequipped by using (Unequipitem <ItemID><#><left/right>) command.

#39. Maps regions toggled

If you want to turn off the maps from unexplored areas this command (tfow) is right for you.

#40. Combat artificial toggled

The Skyrim console command (TCAI) will protect you from a character that has been created by a computer.

#41. Toggle Grass

You can ON/OFF the toggle grass by using these commands by using (tg).

#42. Transports to other cells

By using this command (coc <editor ID>) cells can be transported to other cells.

#43. Walk anywhere

By using these commands characters can walk in any direction by typing (tcl).

#44. View field

The command (fov) will view your location and field of the game.

#45. Border framework

In this game, it will toggle all the framework of the border by entering the command(twf).

#46. Toggle run mode

This command like Skyrim console commands gold will set switching modes between walking and running o the characters.

#47. Items can be added

You can add different items from your inventory by using (additem <ItemID> <#>) command.

#48. Walk anywhere

Your characters can walk anywhere in any direction by typing (tcl) command as Skyrim console command.

#49. Enable

Disabled targets can be enabled easily when you type (enable 9) as Skyrim console command.

#50. Special access

Your favorite room can be accessed by using (coq qasmoke) Skyrim console commands gold, command.


In the end, we learned about the top 50 Skyrim console commands gold which will make your gaming more exciting. By using these commands you can play the popular game ‘Skyrim’ in a very efficient manner.

If you want to enable these features in the Skyrim game, press ‘~’ from the game console. So, use the above-mentioned mods to make your gaming very exciting.

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