Getting creative about engagement can pay off as any organization moves forward from the end-of-year giving season. Pursuing new methods for reaching out to supporters can encourage donors who are reassessing their finances to prioritize a given cause in 2021. Try out these five methods, being sure to securely store constituent records in database software for nonprofits and integrate nonprofits donor data for implementation in upcoming campaigns based in any constituent relationship management platform.
Cross-Channel Promotion To Boost Engagement
A cross-channel campaign that focuses on increasing engagement is the best way to get constituents on board to help any organization achieve its resolutions in the New Year. Two of the most effective forms of cross-channel content include hashtags and images that can be shared across social media networks as well as in other forms of digital messaging.
Platform-specific promotions may more useful for increasing engagement with other types of outreach. Live streaming on a popular platform or posting pre-recorded video are the third best ways to stimulate engagement among a broader audience of potential leads in addition to current supporters and past donors. This is particularly the case on platforms where comments and views are tied to user account information that can be used to target promotions or obtain data.
In other cases, an integrated constituent portal can empower an organization by centralizing engagement. This is the fourth best option but may be more likely to lead to donations or other conversions. The fifth most effective engagement method involves making content available on this portal for supporters to share off-platform to larger audiences while acting as ambassadors for a cause or group.
No matter which combination of channels a group decides to use going into 2021, the ability to track every type of engagement is essential. Data gathered about potential and ongoing supporters across networks can be used to create targeted giving appeals and as the basis for future promotions and fundraisers.
Ensure Your Constituent Data Is Integrated and Accurate
No matter where and when constituents engage with a nonprofit organization online, these interactions should be tracked and reported. Many groups rely on the advanced engagement monitoring and reporting capabilities in Salesforce for Nonprofits. If an organization also uses Blackbaud software, integration tools are necessary to ensure that data is shared across these platforms.
Another benefit of integrating data is that it makes it possible to track constituent engagement on the platforms that are most likely to lead to donations and other forms of engagement. The availability of accurate and current data across platforms makes segmentation and other targeting methods more effective. In turn, this data can be used to drive efforts to boost engagement and giving in 2021 and beyond.
These methods for promoting engagement across channels can generate data about prospective leads and additional or updated information about current or ongoing donors. It is important to plan data flows to ensure that constituent information does not end up siloed or lost. A cloud-based integration platform can provide solutions for any organization seeking to bridge gaps between CRM platforms.