HR Software Demo

What to Expect from an HR Software Demo

Human resources (HR) software may also be called human resource management systems (HRMS), human capital management (HCM) or human resources information systems (HRIS). No matter what the name, the software is used to perform such HR functions as storing employee data, managing payroll, recruitment, benefits administration, time and attendance, employee performance management and tracking competency and training records. This software effectively digitizes the entire HR process, reducing the number of employees needed to perform tasks, or at least streamlines their workload.

There are many different types of HR software on the market. Choosing one may take some time; you will want to research thoroughly all the programs you are interested in, what they offer and what other buyers have experienced by using them. Above all else, however, your best bet is likely not to rush into making a decision and to try a demo first before committing to any one program. Here is what to know:

What is an HR Software Demo?

An HR software demonstration, or demo, allows your business to use the software for a limited time at no cost. You are basically borrowing the software for free. Different companies offer different trial times, or length of the demo, for your company’s use. Trials usually come in the form of 7, 14 and 21-day formats. At the end of the trial, you will lose access to the software’s features unless you pay the fee to use it.

During your HR software demo trial, you will be given access to certain functions of the program. The best bet is to find a demo that will allow you to try out all or most of the program’s functionality. The more of the program your business can test, the easier it will be to figure out what features you truly need to meet your professional needs. Fortunately, most software companies offer a good deal of functionality during the trial for you to make an informed decision.

Another offer for your business during the demo, and something you want to make sure you test out, is product support. Navigating different software is like navigating different languages. Product support will be the translators to help you understand the software and get the most out of your demo. Product support can also help with setup and troubleshooting.

Benefits of Using a Demo First

There are many reasons why using an HR software demo should be your first step before committing to any HR software. Trial periods let your business see how well the software fits your needs without a long-term commitment and financial waste that a purchase upfront would be. Not to mention, the demo phase is the perfect time to get yourself and your employees accustomed to a new program. Finally, an HR software demo allows you to become better acquainted with the program’s customer support team, who can give invaluable advice on how to use the program and help diagnose any kinks in the system before you implement the program companywide.

Companies may have a great product but may not know how to make the most of it. This information can be a very big deciding factor, especially if you are a small business owner without an IT department, and another plus in doing a demo first.

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