Tech Tools for Convenience & Efficiency

Useful Tech Tools for Convenience and Efficiency

Like so many things in life, our involvement in computers tends to revolve around what works. Rather than going for the best option, we find the first one we can and stick with that until we’re forced to learn a new way forward. While there’s nothing wrong with this approach, it does mean that we’ll inevitably enter times when we’re left behind, losing time where better options exist. With that in mind, here are a few tools that we’ve found especially helpful in general computing duties for both individuals and businesses, and why you should consider taking a look.

Improved Search with Everything

The best thing you could say about the Windows search function is that it’s, well, functional. It is also slow, frustrating to use, and has elements that can make it overlook files and folders in certain locations. Users who do a lot of searching don’t need to stick to this system, however, with a better choice available in Voidtools’ Everything.

TKDFrom a small installation file, Everything is remarkably quick to find exactly what you want. In our personal experience, we’ve never had the program take more than a minute to find anything, while we’ve often had Windows take ten minutes for similar tasks. If you’ve ever been stuck with a client on the line waiting and getting increasingly frustrated with you, you’ll understand the importance of speed in these situations. We don’t know what Microsoft is doing wrong, but as Voidtools shows, there is a better way.

Cross-Channel Login

One of the things we love most about the internet is how it gives centralized access to so much important data. Didn’t bring your files with you? No problem, just log in to the server and take them. The only problem here is that remembering a range of different login information for different websites is difficult and frustrating, but like searching, there is a better way.

With omni channel authentication, customers of businesses who use the BindID system only have to register once to access services. After this, logins via biometric security mean no more remembering or struggling with passwords, sending password change requests, and no more messing around. Like with Everything, this can save customers considerable time and frustration and is worth investigating by that metric alone. Quickly becoming more popular, systems like this are likely to indicate the future direction of fast-login services.

Freeing Space

Running out of hard drive space is always an issue, and although the fix might seem simple, the realities of computer operation can throw a wrench into things. Over time, we can forget where certain large files or folders are stored, and this can mean deleting old data which requires us to search through an enormous number of directories.

With Antibody Software’s WizTree, disk space is quickly presented in an easy-to-read style, instantly revealing deep-seated and data-heavy folders we might have forgotten years ago. You’ll still have to manually delete and uninstall unused data as you see fit, but for finding the right direction, this tool is a lifesaver.

TKD2There’s also no denying the positive effect these tools can have on your computer, and systems used by others. After a few uses, you’ll likely be asking yourself how you ever lived without them, though perhaps a better question is: what other simple and helpful programs have we missed over the years?

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