Examples for Digital Brand Marketing and SEO Services for Movies

Movies and TV shows have forever been a part of people’s entertainment. The promotion of films and TV shows have always been a hard job and which audience to target in the past times were a very difficult thing to do since the sources were limited.

With passing time and the introduction of technology like mobile phones, computers and the most important of the ones that are the Internet which resulted in social media and the world wide web. This revolution helped the production houses gather and target more and more audience in just a span of time and very easily.

It also becomes fairly easy for the advertising department of television to promote movies and shows with a wider audience reach. There are a few ways that can be used by the production houses to promote their products. Check out Examples of Marketing ideas in WebMarketing123 blog.

Publicity Stunt

“All publicity is good publicity if it is intelligent.” This kind of statements pretty much sums up why advertising is important and why is it important to remain in the eyes of the audience.

Movies and shows often use different tactics to promote their products. For example, the famous HBO show Game of Thrones put a big skull of a dragon on a beach in the UK. Good and intelligent publicity stunts often lead to media houses doing publicity for you.

Pre-roll Videos

In the time where YouTube and other online video streaming platforms are gaining huge viewers, they have also become a prime platform for advertisers and a pre-roll video is one of them.

Pre-roll videos are those which appears before the main content video starts and they are comparably cheap as the advertiser does not need to pay if the viewer skipped the ad in the first five seconds.

The main objective of pre-roll ads is to make the most interesting in the first few seconds so that the viewer can and will continue. The advertiser should also add follow-up activities like the link to the trailer of the show or the movie or the Facebook page or maybe the twitter handle.

Involve your audience in the promotion

Word of mouth is advertisement is one of the best kind of strategy and it can be done by involving your audience into marketing.

One can start a competition engaging people or die-hard fans of the franchise. Many movies or TV shows have organized competitions which led the winners to meet the cast or attend the exclusive premiere of the shows.

Go viral on the internet

Posting a trailer of the movie or the show is not enough now in the day of the internet as each and every moment millions of videos and posts are shared on the internet going viral is a key element in the success of the marketing.

The main ingredients for a meme, video or a post to go viral is how connected the viewer feels to the video that is which feeling gets expressed in the video. Is it humour, fear or sadness? Anything done in the right amount and targeting a proper audience works its way to the viral spot of the internet.

Create interactive social pages

Social sites like Facebook and Instagram are the TO-GO place to attract a large audience. Facebook pages of famous shows like breaking bad, the walking dead, etc have interactive games and regularly posts are put on the page to engage the audience.

Online competitions are also organized by these pages to indulge the audience even more. The cover photo is an important aspect of the Facebook page which is not often used properly by may Tv shows and movies’ pages.

Keeping fans posted and engaged also helps to create a good market for the TV show or the movies.

Auctioning the props

The props used in the shows are often collectable and people often play a huge price for them. The people paying huge prices for something as mere as clothes worn by an actor or an actress leads to huge publicity for the movie or the show.

These are some of the primary methods that can be used by advertisers to promote their movies or shows. Although it hugely depends on sheer luck and if these methods are executed well. Execution in concordance would often result in a good marketing campaign.

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