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All Job Opportunities After a Degree in Philosophy

Some time ago it was said that a degree in Philosophy does not guarantee a salary. Today, however, things have changed, and those who chose this career have new perspectives and professional opportunities, unthinkable even 15 years ago.

The sector that today most needs philosophers and historians is precisely the one that seems furthest removed from the humanities: the medical-scientific world, high technology, and technological innovation.

This occurs, for example, in robotics and Artificial Intelligence, sectors that can act and produce, but to which must be added an indispensable human vision, in terms of ethics, morality, and historical perspective. Beyond these areas, in general, those who have studied Philosophy have a method of reasoning capable of resolving conflicts and contrasts, whether logical or paradoxical. And this is a fundamental competence not only in research but also in business.

In addition, a Philosophy degree helps to develop language properties and communication skills. It is an added value in the field of communication, both corporate and public, journalism, cultural dissemination, and even marketing. As you’re undergoing education, samedayessay can help you get through all the tough topics.

What is Studied in a Philosophy Degree?

Before discovering the employability options of a degree in Philosophy, let’s take a look at what is studied in this career. Summarizing: the essential lines of the history of philosophical thought. Graduating in Philosophy means, therefore, knowing the different articulations of philosophical research and the related critical-methodological aspects.

Thus, we can affirm that Philosophy has as its object of study human thought in various fields: ontological, ethical, epistemological, political, aesthetic, theological, and logical. Therefore, a Philosophy graduate is supposed to have a strong reasoning ability and deep notions of political economy, languages, and sociology. In light of this, what job opportunities are there? What to do after a degree in Philosophy?

Traditional Career Opportunities

Let’s start with the more traditional career opportunities for Philosophy graduates:

  • Teaching
  • Philosophical research activity
  • Dissemination of philosophical knowledge through participation in conferences and seminars and the writing of articles and essays
  • Bibliographic searches
  • Philosophical Counseling Activity
  • Development and dissemination of critical thinking.

The one professor of Philosophy represents the classic exit for those who have studied this race. However, in addition to the position of a university teacher or for middle and high schools, a Bachelor of Philosophy can also aspire to the role of corporate trainer or teacher for private sectors and continuing education institutions. At the same time, a philosopher can bet on contributing to the advances of thought through essays, publications, and informative activities.

Where Else to Take Advantage of Philosophical Knowledge

There is also a series of traditional professions where the skills of a person who graduated in Philosophy can be very useful. Talking about useful, check out if you want to see something really useful for students.

Political Advisor

A career in Philosophy is an excellent base for political and trade union activity. For this reason, it is not uncommon for these graduates to hold positions in the political world, or work, for example, alongside candidate advisors.

Business Consultant

Another sector in which a graduate in Philosophy can move is that of economic consulting. A good consultant, in fact, must also have an excellent cultural-humanistic base, as well as a technical one. For example, this profile is highly demanded when it comes to resolving possible conflicts that may arise in companies.

Expert in Tender Planning

Another role is that of an expert in the preparation of tenders. This is a role covered by those people who are able to write and present projects, for example, on the occasion of European and international calls. In recent years, this figure has become increasingly professional, gaining relevance in many organizations.

Alternative Professions after a Degree in Philosophy

Digitization has opened the way to new work scenarios for Philosophy graduates, beyond the more traditional professions of teaching or research. Therefore, after seeing the best-known job opportunities, we move on to alternative professions.

Expert Consultant in Bioethics

A graduate in Philosophy can practice as an expert consultant in bioethics. This is an increasingly required role within high-tech companies and government organizations. That is organizations that seek to assess the ethical implications of scientific and technological research, especially in the medical field. The Philosophy graduate can play this role in consulting, biotech, pharmaceutical, and high-tech companies.

Expert in Computer Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

Another suitable role for a Philosophy graduate is that of a computer ethicist. It is the field of Artificial Intelligence, where it is necessary to apply philosophical concepts, such as those of good and evil, to the digital and computer world. A particularly interesting sector is the automotive and autonomous driving sector. Having specific advice on how to program the behavior of cars is essential.

Marketing Assistant or Marketing Specialist

Even the marketing and advertising sector offer many opportunities for Philosophy graduates. Humanistic profiles, in fact, are attractive for those companies that carry out communication activities. Let us think, for example, of the image consultant who manages valuable content online and, therefore, participates in the construction of a brand identity. But also, to an event organizer who, thanks to his communication skills, is capable of transmitting corporate values ​​abroad. And, again, to the person in charge of internal communications, in charge of managing the continuous dialogue between management and employees, to develop an atmosphere of productive exchange within the company.

Philosophical Advisor

Finally, we find the philosophical counselor, a figure who, in addition to carrying out a general counseling activity, supports the occupational psychologist in companies. His task is to address the problems of everyday life with a philosophical spirit, together with people who do not have that specific training.


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