Tubemate for PC

Download TubeMate for PC/Laptop (Windows 7/8/10/XP)

TubeMate is an app which allows you to download YouTube videos to your PC, laptop or mobile device. The app can be installed on your Android device as well as on PC/laptop. You can download TubeMate for PC/Laptop in Windows 7/8/10/XP.

While installing TubeMate for PC, you have to install Android emulator on your PC called Bluestacks.

Here are methods by which you can download TubeMate for PC/Laptop by following these methods

Ways to Download TubeMate for PC/Laptops :

Method #1

Here are some steps which will tell how to download TubeMate for PC/Laptop in Windows 7/8/10/XP.

  • Step 1: First of all download and launch your Bluestacks software on your PC. You can download it from here, then find out Search bar and type TubeMate and click on Enter.

TubeMate For PC Bluestacks

  • Step 2: Look out for searches result. Now click on the search for TubeMate and it will take you to Google App Store.
  • Step 3: You will be able to find TubeMate and now click on Install option. This will make your app automatically downloaded and installed on your PC.
  • Step 4: After being installed on your system, the open option will appear on the same screen. Now click on it, TubeMate will be opened and make a search for your favorite videos.

Method #2

In this method, you can download TubeMate official Apk from the link here. Open this link with bluestacks app player.

Bluestacks installing Apk

Here, now we will discuss how to use TubeMate on Windows.  Many people are facing issues while downloading YouTube videos by using TubeMate Apk in the computer system.

Now, we will learn step to step guide while downloading videos from TubeMate.

Steps to download videos from TubeMate for PC/Windows

  • Step 1: Now, you have TubeMate installed on your devices having Bluestacks. Go to “My Apps” tab and open it.
  • Step 2: in the search bar, you will be able to search for your favorite video. It will show you many results. So select the video which you want to download and open it.
  • Step 3: For downloading the video, you just have to click on the green button which is at the right corner as shown n screenshot given below:-

Download Videos from Tubemate

  • Step 4: A pop-up will appear in which you want to select the video format. HD quality would be great if you are choosing for your PC.
  • Step 5: You can change the default location for downloads. You just have to Go To Settings –>Preference–>Storage and select your own folder in which you want to save your files.

Some features of TubeMate for PC are as follows:-

  • It has fast download mode.
  • There are available many resolutions for downloading any YouTube videos from YouTube.
  • It has a simple user interface and can be used by anyone.
  • It works on background and has resume capability for downloading Ads

In this way, you can download TubeMate for PC/Laptop Windows 7/8/10/XP. So download Tubemate on your PC and enjoy downloading and saving your videos to your computer system.

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