Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Student Job

Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Student Job

The student job presents itself as a necessity for some, while it is more of choice for others. Regarding this type of experience, there are also advantages in several aspects, including academic, social, and financial. Not only does it contribute to a budgetary contribution while improving the competence of the pupils, but it also allows them to have professional contact.

Be that as it may, embarking on this path requires the validation of several points. In other words, young people will have to ask themselves a few questions concerning the activity to which they wish to devote part of their time. It is helpful to consider certain perspectives of this way of life combining work and schooling. What do you need to know when studying while working?

What Does the Law Say?

There is no specific legislation to this effect. However, it is useful to know your rights or duties professionally. First, it should be noted that each job requires an employment contract. Moreover, this is a mandatory aspect requiring the signature of both parties, namely the employee and the recruiter. This clause between the student and such or such establishment must be concluded and initialed on the first day.

As for the employee, he will be able to make an annual income declaration in May. Because they are mostly low, they are not taxable. Especially since he will still have the possibility of benefiting from a bonus if he meets all the preconditions; in addition, payment of the social security contribution to the university will not be compulsory if the student works more than 60 hours per month.

What Salary Should I Expect?

Due to a lack of qualifications and experience, students generally only earn the hourly minimum wage, which currently corresponds to an average cost of 10 to 12 dollars, which makes a monthly total of between 1,500 and 1,700 dollars for 35 hours of work per week. If you work on Sunday, you can receive double the pay.

As for the night hours, they are better remunerated than the day. To avoid fooling yourself or making sacrifices in vain, it is important to consult your employment contract beforehand, which stipulates all the plan details, including the schedules and their respective allowances. This is a valid reason to take the time and pay particular attention to reading a clause. The best would be to do it in the presence of someone qualified to avoid unpleasant surprises.

What Are the Pitfalls to Avoid?

The student could be confronted with worries by reconciling their personal life and studies with professional activity. As he earns money, he could probably leave the benches of his university or miss some critical sessions. What must be kept in mind at this time is that the job is only something extra. This is by no means the solution for the future, especially since we must aim further.

From another point of view, it happens that employers take advantage of the situation of a student wishing to work by prescribing hidden overtime in the payslip. To avoid surprises, you should always carefully read your contract with your employer and a loved one. Additionally, students should always deal with their learning responsibilities first. Whether they employ an essay writer to help or do the task themselves doesn’t matter – academic performance matters.

How Many Hours per Week to Work?

This is a detail not to be overlooked before starting your first student job. This is an important question that must indeed be considered. The work hours should not exceed those of his university course. To avoid this, it is essential to assess the time available. For example, we will have to count between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. for weekly professional activities. Those who want to earn more can do so during the school holidays. If this is the case, the student will be able to complete a 35-hour contract without difficulty. In addition, this type of experience is a good solution to better focus on studies.

What Are the Advantages of a Student Job?

Money is probably the first asset since it is an effective way to become financially independent. For those who are not otherwise in a precarious situation, this is an interesting alternative capable of making a difference. The student job allows you to have little savings on the side and, therefore, to calm your mind. On the other hand, reconciling work and study can be a solution for improving academic results and having financial security. Anxiety and stress caused by money worries will certainly disrupt his sessions.

To remedy the lack of experience when you finish university, you have to have recourse to a job; here is a chance for many students to already register on their Curriculum Vitae as a first qualification, even if this one has nothing to do with the intended career. This mention could certainly be enough for an employer to hire them as it values an outgoing student in front of a recruiter. Furthermore, it is irrefutable proof that you have a minimum knowledge of how a company works and that you can easily adapt to a professional environment.

Finally, the major advantage is to be able to network and build relationships in this new field. Being a waiter, bartender, babysitter, entertainer, flyer distributor, supervisor, host, or receptionist, you never know who you might run into. Daily tasks translate for some trainees as important contacts for the future. Although you have to remain professional and focused, this does not prevent you from being open and attentive. If it is a person who exercises in a coveted field, nothing prevents him from engaging in a little conversation to get to know each other better.

In the End

The status of salaried students obviously provides benefits that should not be overlooked. However, this does not mean you can sacrifice all your hours of supervised work for a job. Time management is vital so as not to get lost in your studies, the golden rule being never to leave university for a job.


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