What Are Learning Strategies – Everything You Need To Know

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You’ve been learning new things since you were born. First, you make your first attempts at crawling, then you imitate your parents when walking. Later, at school, you learn to read and write by practicing them over and over again.

Trying, imitating, and practicing are fundamental learning strategies. You are trying to acquire, comprehend or learn something. You can describe your individual ways to get there as learning strategies. To put it in technical terms, learning strategies are action plans that control one’s own learning.

What Do Learning Strategies Include?

For a long time, I thought they only included memory aids with which you can quickly memorize twenty numbers. That’s enough to impress your best friend, but it turns out to be extremely useless for college.

Learning strategies are much more. This is about the whole learning process. This is very important because pure memory aids or the learning time do not have that much influence on your learning success. There are many types of learning strategies that are important to your academic success. Let’s see what they are.

Motivational Strategies

Motivation does not fall from the sky; Especially not during your studies, where nobody forces you to be present or controls you. Therefore, you have to find ways and means to motivate your weaker self.

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Self-Control Strategies

There are a thousand distractions that hit you once you start studying. The smartphone with all the great apps, friends chatting for hours in the cafeteria or the sun tempting you to go outside. While all of this is important for balancing, if these activities become overwhelming, you will not have enough time to study. You need clear strategies to help you follow your learning plan.

Organizational Strategies

One area that is underestimated by almost all students is the organization of study materials. How you create these have a huge impact. Are they attractively designed? Did you structure them logically? Did you use bullet points instead of sentences?

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Memorization Strategies

This is where the mnemonics come in. But there are also a number of other aspects that are important. when do you repeat how do you repeat Do you just read through the material, or do you speak it out loud? Do you work with images in your head? There are a variety of strategies here that can drastically reduce your effective study time.

Application Strategies

You have memorized the script or the book. You feel safe, take the exam, but don’t pass. This means you lack knowledge of application strategies. At the university, you don’t just ask what is on page 55 at the bottom left of the textbook. No, you must also be able to apply what you have learned. You have to practice this with suitable strategies.

Cooperation Strategies

The most important experience of my studies is that everyone is in the same boat. All have similar problems. It is therefore worth supporting one another. This is possible in study groups. However, they must be efficiently organized, and team members must be paddling in the same direction.

There is further cooperation with the student advisory service and the psychological counseling of your student union. Unfortunately, some students only take advantage of the offers when the excrement is steaming up. So, you need strategies here too. Accepting and seeking help in your studies is one of the most important lessons.

Your Learning Strategy Case

After you see how many types of study strategies there are, you should put together the ones that are right for you. We can learn from craftsmen why this is important.

Every craftsman, whether tiler, carpenter, plumber, or painter, always has a tool case with useful tools with him. Because during their apprenticeship, they learned which tools they need in order to be able to react immediately to any situation and not have to drive to the factory to get the used tools every time.

Unfortunately, there are no courses that students can go to to learn how to learn. Therefore, you have to take your learning strategies into your own hands. Get to grips with learning strategies at the beginning of your studies. Find learning strategies and fill your learning strategy case so that you are prepared in every situation and do not suddenly find yourself without tools before the decisive test.


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    Survived by one son, Vester Nelson of Lamont, WA; one granddaughter, Joan Nelson, Spokane; one grandson, Donald Nelson, Lamont; Three sisters, Lyla E Hedberg and Lena Kulm, each Spokane; Cordelia Albers, St Louis, MO; two brothers, Otis Hedberg, Monroe City, MO; and Wesley Hedberg, Tahachita, CA.

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