Sales Professionals

Prospecting: 10 Unique Strategies for Sales Professionals

As a sales professional, you have probably read a lot of content on sales. However, most of it is repetitive and the same old story. But as a professional, you have to keep learning and refining your skills. Besides that, you don’t want to be an average sale professional. To do so, you’ll need to work on your sales strategies. In this piece, we’ll list for you ten unique strategies for sales professionals.

1. Value both yourself and your customers

You probably have heard that the customer is always right, but is that true? Not entirely. When you strongly believe this statement, you reduce your confidence. And without conviction, persuading a customer can become a daunting task. Without a doubt, the customer is essential, and so are you and the organization you are representing. The ultimate objective of sales is to satisfy both the stakeholders and customers.

2. Ask the right questions

Sales trainers urge trainees to always listen to the customer. While this is important, you need to engage customers respectfully. Ask question them questions about their desires and expectations of what you are selling. Offer expert advice and address their concerns effectively. And you might leave a great impression of the product you are selling on the customer.

3. Know when to give up

Sales is a game of persuasion, and time is of the essence. That said, it is crucial to know when a potential customer is not interested and move on. Otherwise, if you come out as a nuisance, you’ll leave the wrong impression of both yourself and the product to the customer. You don’t want to come across as a regular annoying salesperson.

4. Focus on the customer’s ideal vision

Instead of emphasizing on the customer’s challenges that your product or service can solve, focus on the desired outcome and then explain how what you are selling can fulfil that desire. As such, the customer will not become pessimistic and make a decision that may hurt your opportunity to close the sale.

5. Sell like an expert

An expert is engaging. People love to listen to experts who are proud of what they do. Your presentation or approach should be confident. Engage a potential customer in a way that showcases your professionals and the pedigree of the company you are representing. Most of the time, when the customer meets an eloquent or brilliant salesperson, they are inclined to buy the product. Forget about false humility and come across as a knowledgeable teacher.

6. Don’t agree with all the customer’s views

Marketing is challenging, and when you are working hard to make sales, customers can say anything about the product. It could be positive or negative. If you agree with all of their views, they might as well thank and ask you to move on. Remember that you are not doing them a favor. You are selling them a service or product that could be of immense value to them. So if you get an untrue opinion about the products, you have to disagree with it.

While still refuting false claims, you may need to have the right tools to close those sales. Fortunately, one of the leading companies in offering top-notch digital marketing support has some incredible tools you could use when prospecting for sales. You could try them and they will certainly bring the results that you yearn for so much.

7. Praise your competitors

Most sales professional like to talk about their competitors in a negative light, but these strategies may not work well. You only make the customer more suspicious or skeptical about your organization’s product. The better approach would be to acknowledge the excellent work your competitors are doing and then showcase what you are selling as the better option. Customers will appreciate your fairness, and as they trust you more, they’ll trust your product.

8. Go after the right buyer

Chances are that you have closed numerous sales successfully before. It all starts by targeting the right buyer. You can’t sell motorcycle insurance to someone who drives a car. Not unless there are clear indicators that this person also owns a motorbike. If you can’t see it, it probably doesn’t exist and they are not going to buy.

9. Accept your limitations 

Perfect products or services do not exist. If you portray what you are selling as the only and ideal solution, the potential customer may think otherwise. It is best to accept the limitations of your organization or product. You’ll come out as a reliable and trustworthy person and this will increase your chances of success.

10. Induce a sense of obligation on the customer

Most prospects will not see the need to buy something unless they are obliged to do something. If you give them treatment as if they are on a first-class flight, they will not imagine buying from your competitor. If you offer free advice and a reasonable amount of time or resources, your prospects will feel indebted to you, and eventually, they’ll buy from you.


What’s important in sales is building the relationship to a point where the potential customer is satisfied. So long as you have addressed all their concerns, you’ll not need to push for the sale. The customer will decide on their own.

You can use some of the sales strategies that traditional salespeople use. However, you are likely to do much better by implementing these tips. Try them, and you’ll see the results for yourself. 

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