How to Make Your Zoom Meetings Unforgettable

How to Make Your Zoom Meetings Unforgettable

We’re all in the process of adapting. From the pandemic’s onset until now, we’ve been getting used to the strangeness of the current world. One of the most significant changes has been the uptake of remote work and with-it virtual conferencing apps like Zoom. Even before the pandemic, Zoom was an increasingly popular medium for meetings. Still, with the lockdown restricting everyone to their homes, its popularity has skyrocketed.

However, due to the rapid adoption of the software, few have fully mastered Zoom. As such, meetings are often dull and mundane. With Zoom fatigue already setting in, now is the time to revolutionise our meetings. Let’s not settle for the boring, when we can have the unforgettable.

Working towards an exciting meeting is one thing, but ensuring high productivity is another. Therefore, it’s imperative that you consider both factors as you make the necessary changes. For one, you can invest in Zoom call transcription which will get rid of the often-demanding note-taking process. There are many other innovative features that can help reduce Zoom fatigue and boost your output as a company. With that in mind, here are some of the tips to help you hold unforgettable Zoom meetings.  

Here are some tips for creating exciting meetings.

1. Use the full toolkit

We’ve all sat through bland meetings—the person hosting drones on, while everyone else is forced to listen. Eventually, we zone out or start flicking through our phones. Instead, promote engagement. The more engaged people are, the more vibrant the meeting will be.

Thankfully, Zoom comes with tons of tools to help spice up your meetings. Here are a few suggestions:

Get graphical with a virtual whiteboard. This fantastic bit of software allows you to draw whatever you can imagine.

The minds of those listening to you tend to concentrate more when you use graphical representations rather than mere words to explain your points. Even the simplest actions like noting your main ideas on a board ensures that whoever is on the other end understands whatever you’re sharing. 

So, when you need to explain a complicated idea, sketch out a diagram or write notes to help others follow along, use the virtual whiteboard. There are tons of colours and pens to use, so your charts can even be colour-coordinated for maximum memorability. Plus, it’s always fun for a quick game of Hangman or Pictionary to break the ice.

Sharing is caring. Or so the saying goes. With the screen sharing feature, you can showcase any software or work you’ve got on your computer. So, if a client asks a specific question, you can walk them through the solution, showing any software you might use. If you’re presenting a financial report, use a spreadsheet as a guide. You can even show a YouTube video to spark engagement.

Apart from making the meeting more exciting, these tools also ensure that you don’t spend a lot of time explaining one idea. As such, you’ll end up saving a lot of time, which is one way of improving your overall productivity.

2. Transport your backdrop

Why settle for a dull backdrop when you go for something more exciting? Perhaps you’re concerned about your messy home, or you just want to do something different. Use a virtual background! Hello Background’s Zoom virtual backgrounds for video conferencing are the perfect way to make your virtual meeting unforgettable. You can transport your attendees to a tropical rainforest or a swanky office with the click of a button.

As you try this amazing feature, there are a few factors you need to keep in mind. One, the important part of whichever image you choose to use shouldn’t be centered. Aspect ratio also matters; choose something that doesn’t distort when pinned on a widescreen. Finally, make sure you select an image that matches the theme of the meeting. Of course, adding a dash of humour is a good idea, but overdoing it will only be a distraction to your attendees.

3. Use an agenda

An agenda might sound incredibly exciting. However, a good plan for a meeting can promote engagement and boost productivity. As a rule, people only remember ten per cent of the meeting’s discussion. Therefore, it’s up to you to ensure that ten per cent is the best bit.

To begin, set some goals you want to accomplish. Then, work out the key points you’ll need to cover. These points will form the tentpoles of the meeting. They will work like little hooks onto which your attendees can attach information. Allocate around five to six points to a meeting, with each one last around ten minutes. Any longer and people will begin to get distracted (especially if it’s a Friday afternoon). If you need to go on for longer, either split the meeting into two or schedule a second session. There’s no harm in breaking things up.

By creating a roadmap for the meeting, everyone knows what needs to be accomplished. Instead of meandering off-topic, the meeting can be punchy and focused. The more productive you are, the more positive everyone will be.

4. Record the meeting

There’s one way to guarantee a meeting no one can forget: record it! If everyone has access to a permanent record of the meeting, it can be used for future reference. Previously if you missed a meeting, you needed to scour the minutes or get the lowdown from a colleague. How forgettable! Not so with a recording.

Plus, if you ran a training session, or had an excellent meeting with a client, the recording can be used as training material for new starters.

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