Make Your Visitors Pay: Best Conversion Boosting Practices

If you focus your marketing efforts on lead generation, thousands of visitors may be coming to your website. How many of them are going further down the sales funnel and making a purchase?

To improve the bounce rate of your website while capitalizing on all the leads your marketing tactics bring in, you need to work on conversion efforts. By implementing these practices, you can improve visitor engagement, boost sales, and improve your company’s profitability.

1. Implement Retargeting

Only about 2.63% of potential clients who come to your website convert on the first visit. Most customers are exploring many different options before making the final decision. They may be attracted to your website by the paid search marketing campaign or high-quality content you offer but then distracted by something else. Eventually, all the hard efforts you invested in targeting the client could be lost.

A remarketing campaign involves tagging each visitor with an invisible pixel and then tracking them across other websites and social media platforms. By showing your ad to a client on another website, you are gently reminding about your offer and guiding them back to the landing page, thus increasing chances of conversion.  

2. Add a Pop-Up

While many users believe pop-ups to be annoying, they have a conversion rate of 3.09%. By adding a pop-up to your website, you are giving prospects another reason to stay and contemplate your offer.

It’s possible to design pop-ups so they appear in front of the visitor after a certain time on the website so the request doesn’t annoy them. Pop-ups can offer premium content, which visitors didn’t get access to before.

It’s important to make pop-ups easy to close. Otherwise, the visitor may feel frustrated and leave the website.

3. Keep Your Landing Page Clear

The rule of thumbs is one landing page – one CTA. You shouldn’t clutter pages with numerous offers, or you could confuse the visitor. Consider making all landing pages concise and focused on one point.

Try to avoid numerous images and voluminous text. They could be keeping the visitor from understanding what you are trying to sell. You are better off creating a new landing page for each product, service, or offer rather than stuffing one with dozens of opportunities.

To improve your checkout process, you can take advantage of a program like Kansys, enterprise billing software.

4. Work on Your Cart Design

The average cart abandonment rate across all industries is about 88%. Reasons for this vary from distractions to technological issues. You want the customers to finish their purchase, it’s important to work on the following matters:

  •         Make the checkout process as clear as possible.
  •         Be 100% clear of all shipping and handling fees before the checkout process begins.
  •         Work out all the technical issues with your website.

By working on your cart design, you can increase the sales tremendously and improve customer satisfaction.

5. Make it Easy to Get Assistance

If a visitor encounters a problem or has a question while visiting your website, how fast can they get assistance? In case they need to write an email or fill out a contact form, you risk losing their attention quickly.

By adding a live chat option to your website, you are giving yourself an extra opportunity to keep the potential customer on your website. Meanwhile, a chatbot could be offering assistance beyond the office hours.

6. Work on the Loading Speed

Most visitors expect the website to load in under 2 seconds. If it takes longer, they press the “x” button. If it takes too long for your website to load, check your images, videos, hosting, and other factors that may affect the speed.

You should also check out the mobile version of your website. Mobile users are even less likely to stay on a slowly loading website.

7. Track your Visitors

To see what you can improve on your website, you can track your visitors. Website analysis tools allow you to take a closer look at how visitors interact with your landing pages. You can find out:

  •         What users click on
  •         What they skip
  •         How long they spend on the website
  •         If they stop filling out forms in the middle
  •         And more

This information can help you gain insight into what can be changed to improve the conversion rate.

Final Thoughts

To increase your website’s conversion rate, you have to focus on the website’s quality, loading time, distractions, and design. You can take advantage of visitor tracking, retargeting tools, and pop-ups to enhance your marketing efforts.

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