How to Get Refunds from the iTunes App Store

iTunes App Store

It has been a trend nowadays to use iPhones. Everybody prefers to have one iPhone with them. But unlike android, iPhone has many things which are not free and have to be brought officially to be used.Today we will discuss about How to get Refunds fromĀ itunes app store.

Sometimes, it happens that the user might face some issues after they have purchased some music, books, TV shows or app from the app store or from the iTunes. The best part of this problem is that the refund request can be directly sent to Apple.

For getting the refund back, you need to have a valid reason. Some of the valid reasons may be that you made the purchase accidentally or maybe you got the wrong thing.

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In case, you didn’t get anything and money got deducted then also refund can be made. The only thing to keep in mind is that the issue can be reported only within the last 90 days of the purchase.

Ways to get Refunds from the iTunes App Store

Here are three best ways through which you can get your refund. Have a look at each of the ways carefully.

  1. Getting refund with the help of iPhone and iPad

There is no link provided by Apple to report any issues into the app store or the iTunes store section. So, if you are using the application in iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and got stuck then, it is better to directly report the problem with the help of email receipt.

Here are the steps mentioned to accomplish the above-stated method to get the refund from the iTunes App Store:

  • The first step is to launch the mail from the home screen of the iPhone.
  • The receipt will be available over there and if not then search for ‘your receipt from Apple’.
  • Next step is to click on the receipt of the purchase for which refund is to be made. (It is very important to remember the date of the purchase otherwise you will end up opening the receipts to find the exact one.)
  • Now, click on ‘report a problem’ for the purchase that is to be reported for a refund. As soon as you will click on it, you will be taken to Apple’s problem reporting page.
  • As soon as the prompt comes, enter your Apple ID and the password.

iTunes App Store

  • Now, click on ‘choose problem’ and select the problem from the menu according to the issue you are facing.
  • Enter all the details of the problem that you are facing.
  • At last click on ‘submit’.iPhone Store Report a Problem

Within a few days of your reporting the issue, you will get a call and mail from Apple whether your refund request has been approved or not with reason.Hopefully you will get refund fromĀ iTunes App Store.

  1. Getting a refund using the web

With the help of web browser also, you can raise a request for the refund from iTunes Apps store. Below are the steps to do so. Have a careful look below:

  • Open the browser and directly go to the problem reporting page of Apple. The link to go to the Apple’s problem reporting page is
  • As soon as the page gets opened, log in with your Apple ID (that is mainly the email id) and password.
  • Next step is to properly select the right tab out of all, movies, music, TV shows, books, and the apps.iTunes App Store
  • Now, select ‘report a problem’ which is present at the right side of the purchase for which a refund has to be made.
  • Next step is to click on ‘choose problem’. From the menu, choose your problem.
  • Give complete details of your problem and click on ‘submit’.Submit at iPhone Apps Store

Soon within few weeks, you will hear from Apple whether the request for the refund has been approved or not.

  1. Getting refund with the help of iTunes on Windows and Mac

You can directly use the iTunes over Mac or Windows to raise a request. Here are some simple steps to request for refunds from the iPhone app store. Look at them below:

  • First of all, launch iTunes on the Mac or Windows.
  • Next, click on the account tab.
  • As soon as prompt box appears, mention your Apple ID (which is email id mainly) and the password.
  • Click on ‘see all’ which is present in the purchase history.iTunes App Store
  • If you will see next to the purchase batch which is having details of purchase for which refund has to be done, there is an arrow. Click on it.
  • Now, click on ‘report a problem’ which is available at the bottom of the purchase batch.
  • Then, click on ‘report a problem’ that is beside a single item that you want to get the refund for. After doing this, you will be taken to the problem reporting page of Apple.Report a problem
  • Login with the ID of Apple account i.e. your username and password.
  • Choose the appropriate tab out of the available tabs i.e. movies, music, apps, books and all.iPhone Apps Store Credentials
  • Tap on ‘report a problem’ available at the right of the purchase for which problem has to be raised.
  • Click on ‘choose problem’ and then choose the exact problem from the available ones on the menu.
  • Give the entire details of your problem and finally click on submit.

Within few weeks of the issue being raised, you will hear from Apple regarding the approval or disapproval of the request.And you will get refund from iTunes App Store.

Special note regarding refunds

To process a raised request, the App store will take a minimum of two to three days. After that only, you will be called be the support team of Apple so as to verify the request reason and other related details.

So, be patient and try any of the above ways to get refunds from the iTunes App Store and you will be surely helped in the best possible ways.


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