5 Implications of Digital Technology for Education System of the 21st Century

Today, technology has influenced practically every aspect of life, including education. Educators in the pre-technological age did not have many resources to help them improve their teaching methods. They relied heavily on the chalkboard and chalk to make learning more entertaining for the children. Teachers, being the major providers of information, stood in the front of the classroom, presenting lectures while pupils sat quietly.

However, as technology advanced, classrooms shifted from teacher-centered to student-centered. This change has affected the educational system in more ways than one, and this piece aims to show you how.

To understand the implication of technology on global education, keep reading.

Implications of Digital Technology to the Educational System

Technology has not only transformed the way professors educate, and students learn; it has also rendered education more attainable. Education is obtainable to many students via virtual classrooms and internet sources. Here are five implications of digital technology to the educational system in this century:

Enhances cooperation

Teachers have noticed an upsurge in student participation while using technology in class throughout the years. In technology-enhanced classes, students participate more, and the proportion of retained material also improves. This is unlike the traditional educational system, where students await the teacher to distribute knowledge to them.

With technology, students get to share ideas to enhance their academic progress. For example, you’d find students who say, ‘I usually do my homework for money online effectively through technology-based communication platforms with friends.’

Technology in this century has made cooperation among students possible.

It makes the learning environment more enjoyable

Technology can motivate pupils to contribute to the class proactively. While pupils find the practice of speaking in front of their peers frightening, online learning may have the opposite impact. They may feel more at ease asserting themselves in writing if they participate in conversations provided by online courses. It may also aid with staff communication. While some people find it unpleasant to approach coworkers for advice on certain topics, speaking online may be simpler.

Students may become prone to technological traps

The laptop may be a source of trouble any more than it is a valuable tool. This is especially significant for pupils who lack the technical abilities required to optimize the device’s performance. Not everybody has an Information Technology background and is thus knowledgeable about how laptops function. Computer breakdowns and technical issues can lead students to lose their projects and other critical resources, resulting in extreme stress.

Allows for self-paced learning

Schools continue to impose strict timetables on pupils. However, technological advancements are lowering stiffness. In addition, students may learn at their speed thanks to technological advancements. ‘I’m typically delighted that I get to do my homework whenever I want without feeling rushed,’ said an online student.

Many people worldwide now have access to education thanks to self-paced study. In addition, many individuals who do not have the leisure or means to attend university can get degrees via self-paced digital training. Technology assists in developing courses and syllabuses that best fit the requirements of individual pupils, therefore improving the learning experience.

Can reduce the worth of online education

Data shows that students participating in online programs are prone to failure or poorer marks than they’re to profit from them. However, no evidence exists to establish how human connection influences students’ performance. This might be due to the online classroom’s absence of face-to-face connections between professors and students.

Learners may be enticed to use the internet for other activities rather than studying online. This might be because of the lack of a physical instructor to supervise them.


Overall, technology has had an enormous influence on education. Some may view this influence as favorable, while others believe it’s, at best, detrimental. Eventually, we all realize that technology is unavoidable. However, it is up to instructors and students to determine the amount of technology they wish to include in the educational process.

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