Many times it happens that you are sitting with your friends or driving a car and suddenly you hear some wonderful music somewhere like on FM radio or at some nearby shop.Maybe asking of What song is this.
Then suddenly you wish to buy the copy of that album or you want to download that song, but the problem is that you are not aware of the lyrics of that particular song. Now the question is how to find the name of the song.
You might be thinking that search engines especially Google can help you with this, but you must be aware of at least a few words of the song or you need to tell the band or the artist’s name. Still, the question is how to guess the name of the song.

What Song is this
Here we are discussing some of the best services that can assist in discovering the name of the songs with the plus point that you do not have to know any lyrics in advance.These services helps you to find song of your choice without know lyrics.
Find What Song is this :
#1 Shazam
One of the best mobile apps that can be used to find out music or What song is this is Shazam. This mobile app is supported by all the major operating systems like android, iPhone, windows etc.
You just need to install the app on your device and put the mobile in front of the place where the music is ringing. Then, press the tag button and assist shazam in recognizing the song.Shazam comes in two forms i.e. free and paid.
[appbox googleplay]
The version of the app available as free allows identifying a total of 5 songs in a month. If we talk about the paid version, in $4.99 you get access to unlimited services of the app. In case shazam is not able to identify the music track, there are no charges.
#2 MusicID
Another mobile application same as shazam is the MusicID. You just have to keep your phone in front of the audio being played and it will quickly identify the track being played.
This app works mainly on iPhone and is available for just a small amount of $3. It can also be used in some special cases in other operating systems like Windows, Blackberry and the phones supporting java.
[appbox googleplay com.gravitymobile.recognize]
It cannot work on the live performances and gives a correct result with the pre-recorded songs. There is an SMS service available where a code has to be dialed and the phone is hold up for the music and the instant result will be sent as text.
Identifying song with the own voice :
#3 Midomi
If there is any music that you have listened somewhere and it is still being tuned up in your mind then no worries, we have another thing to help us out. It is none other than the midomi.
Just hum the tune that is there in your mind over a microphone and it will identify the song for you.This is a web-based application where you are given a time period of 10 seconds to hum out the tune.
[appbox googleplay com.melodis.midomiMusicIdentifier.freemium]
According to the tune, matching results are shown. This interface is totally free to use and it has its mobile app as well to be supported in various operating systems.
Recording of the music to find What Song is this :
#4 AudioTag
If you have recorded a short clip of the music either on your mobile or PC then AudioTag provides with the music identifying services. With this, exact name of the song can be easily recognized.
Either a short snippet or the entire song can be uploaded over the AudioTag. The application then searches for the track in its own database of music collection. This way the title track can be easily identified.
[appbox googleplay com.ftpcafe.tagger.trial]
If you want the results to be exact then try to take the snippet from the middle rather than ending or beginning.
Taking human help for identification of the music :
#5 WatZatSong
It is a true fact that a computer is only a machine and many times it happens that it may make mistakes.
In case the computers or mobiles are not able to help you in identifying the song, then the human help can be taken. There can be someone who might have information and knowledge about the particular song and tell you about What song is this.
WatZatSong is a short form for the term what’s that song. It is actually a social platform where the recordings of the song can be uploaded. These recordings can either be song snippet or the self-hummed song.
The other members available over the site help in identifying the song by guessing it. Although this is a little longer process in compare to other applications but chances of accuracy are very high over here.
The task of searching can be made easier by telling extra information about the song like its language etc. There are many other social sites also where you can take help.
#6 Name My Tune
This is another site where you can put the clip of your song which has to be identified. You need to tell the genre and the era that you think is suitable for the song. When the people present over the site will be able to guess the song, a mail will be sent to you regarding it.
Finding song with the help of virtual keyboard :
#7 Musipedia
This is one of the best application for searching a music and is styled on the basis of Wikipedia. With the help of a virtual piano keyboard, the song can be played or it can also be hummed over the device with the help of a microphone.
#8 MelodyCatcher
If a tune is being played over a virtual keyboard then MelodyCatcher can assist in identifying the song. There is an onscreen java based keyboard where you can enter the melody.
This application will then display the list of matching songs from across the entire web. The advantage is that complete melody id not required to be entered, first few notes are sufficient.
These are some of the simple ways through which the songs can be identified without the knowledge of lyrics. Try them and look at the wonderful services being offered.
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