Tips on How To Build a Gaming PC 

P.C gaming has been on the rise in recent times. Many popular games like Fortnite and PUBG are dominating the video game market. With streaming websites like Twitch, the reach that these games have are now exponentially bigger than they ever have been.

Due to its growing popularity, the need for people to build their own PCs for gaming is stronger. Unless you are into PCs and building your own computers, it can be really difficult and confusing to build. The main questions that people ask are “What parts are needed?” and “What does each component do?”

We have taken the time to layout all the proper steps and equipment needed to build your gaming P.C

The Components

Processor (CPU)

There are multiple different pieces and components needed to build a gaming PC. The first one needed is a processor or CPU (central processing unit). This is the most important part of the entire computer.

The CPU has been given the nickname of the “brain” of your PC by the computer world. Everything that your computer will do is controlled by the CPU. From gaming performance to frames per second, nearly everything is reliant on a good CPU.

When purchasing a CPU there are three things you need to take into consideration. The first one is clock speed which measures the processing speed, the next one is core which assigns the different tasks needed for the computer to operate, and the last one is threads which allow the different cores to correspond to one another. The best way to tell the quality of a CPU is through the measurements of clock time and the amount of core within the CPU.


The motherboard is the main hub of the entire computer. It is where the CPU and all the other components are connected. Think of the motherboard as an office building for a large company. All the different departments of a company do different things, but they all work in the same building so they can collaborate with other departments if need be.


The graphics processing unit or GPU is the part of the computer that will have the most impact on your actual gaming performance. The CPU is what lets your computer keep track of all the information during a game: where things and other players are, what your character is doing, the different movements and storylines, etc.

The GPU takes all of this information and creates the actual graphics that you see on your monitor. Without the GPU, all you would see is a bunch of code and binary language. Both the GPU and CPU work simultaneously. Issues can occur with gaming performance if one is lacking, so make sure you buy an equal quality CPU to the GPU.

Memory (RAM)

RAM (random access memory) is what allows your computer to access multiple different aspects of a computer at once. The higher the amount of RAM, the faster your CPU will work.

Even though you are building a gaming computer, it’s highly possible that you won’t always be using it. RAM doesn’t always affect gaming use, but it does help the computer manage multiple different applications at once. The higher the RAM, the faster your computer will operate. With more modern and complex games though, having high RAM storage can help your CPU process all the details needed to run the game, so make sure you purchase a pretty sizeable RAM.


You are going to need something to save all of the information you’ve created on the computer. Whether it’s downloadable games, profiles, game progress, or other elements, you need space to be save data on the computer.

You have two options when deciding how to save information. There are SSD and HDD.

SSD stands for a solid-state drive which means there are no moving parts. It’s faster than HDD but can be more expensive. You would be paying more money per GB of storage than you would with an HDD.

An HDD stands for a hard disk drive. This means that there is a small disk that all the memory would be stored on. It doesn’t work as fast as an SSD, but it’s cheaper and can hold more memory. They are less durable than SSD, but the value per GB is greater.

When deciding between the two it’s all about personal preference and which one fits your budget better.

Power Station Unit

The power station unit or PSU is a pretty straightforward part of the computer. You’re building an electronic machine, so you’re going to need something to give it power.

When purchasing one of these, it’s all about budget and manufacturer reputation. You can go out and buy the cheapest product, but don’t be surprised if you find your computer catching fire or frying on you. Do your research on manufacturers and purchase the right one that fits your budget the best.


The case is the simplest part of the entire computer building process. When purchasing a case, you want to make sure it’s able to fit all of the components properly and securely. You also want to allow room for additions to your machine like USB slots and extra RAM or memory storage devices.

The last thing you need to remember is a cooling station. When using a lot of electronics, things can get pretty heated. Overheating your computer can lead to a ton of problems so make sure the case you purchase has a really strong cooling feature to keep your computer safe.

Other Parts

Once you’ve assembled all the pieces of your new gaming computer, you’ll need to be able to work it. For this, you’ll need at the very least a gaming mouse and keyboard. You can get products made specifically for gaming if you’re serious about your game play, or save money on a standard mouse and keyboard.


When beginning the process of building your gaming PC, the main aspect that you need to think of is compatibility. With so many different products needed, you want to make sure that they all can work together. Some products can work with one another, and some cannot. It would be like going out to buy a new charger for your iPhone and purchasing a Samsung phone charger.

There are a ton of moving parts and different components needed to build your own personal gaming computer. Make sure to keep in mind all of the things mentioned above, and keep it within your budget. Remember, the best part about building a PC is that you don’t always need to get the top of the line products all at once. Take your time and build your budget responsibly and eventually, you’ll have the best gaming PC possible!

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